About The Garland 9

Right now 8 Pro-Lifers Suffer Unjust Incarceration in an Alexandria, Virginia prison. And another, 75-year-old Paulette Harlow is on house arrest. On October 22, 2020, they participated in a rescue at the Washington
Surgi-Center where abortionist Cesare Santangelo kills preborn children through the 9th month of gestation!
These pro-lifers defended helpless human beings scheduled for extermination and offered help to their mothers. For this, they were charged with the unjust law --Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE)--and also, unprecedented in the history of the pro-life movement, the federal law of Interference with Civil Rights--which carries a maximum 10-year prison term and maximum $350,000 fine!
Defendants were divided into three groups in three separate trials before federal judge Colleen Kollar-Kotoly. Everyone was convicted in trials that denied the existence of pre-born children and permitted rabidly pro-abortion jurors to decide the case! The articles found on the Latest News page provide details of the trials. The pro-lifers are facing a possible 11-year maximum prison term. Their sentencing is not scheduled until May 2024! In the meantime they endure incarceration, or in the case of Paulette Harlow--due to her serious health condition, unjust house arrest.